Hospital Admission Discharge Procedure

Hospital Admission Discharge Procedure

In the article Hospital Admission Discharge Procedure in nursing foundations -Hospital admission and discharge procedures are critical steps in a patient’s journey through the healthcare system. Here’s an overview of what typically happens during the Hospital admission discharge Procedure:

Hospital Admission Procedure

Hospital Admission Procedure includes preparation of admitting patients, performing admission procedure, emergency admission, Routine admission, transfer in, and discharge. Nurses need to follow strict protocols regarding admission and discharge in the hospital. Hospital Admission Procedure step by step below :

1. Registration

The entrance of a patient into the ward or unit for evaluation or treatment is called admission. Patients typically begin the admission process by registering at the hospital’s front desk. They will need to provide some basic information, such as their name, contact details, and insurance information. At the time of admission, the registered nurse performs a complete assessment of the patient.

2. Medical history and examination

After registration, the patient will be asked to provide their medical history, including any current medications, allergies, or previous surgeries. A nurse will then conduct a physical examination to assess the patient’s condition and vital signs (pulse, temperature, respiratory rate, height, and weight).

3. Admitting Orders

Once the patient is assessed and their medical needs are understood, the attending physician will provide admitting orders for the patient’s care. These orders may include diagnostic tests, medications, and other treatments.

4. Room assignment

At the time of arrival to the unit or ward patient and family will be given an orientation regarding the unit, visiting rooms, and the patient’s rights, and responsibilities. Once the patient is admitted, they will be assigned a room where they will stay during their hospital stay.

To know more about Types of Hospital Admission Click on the below blue Link

Hospital Discharge Procedure

The hospital Discharge Procedure is the preparation of the patient and discharge records to leave the hospital. The hospital discharge procedure can vary depending on the patient’s medical condition, the type of hospital admission, and the hospital’s policies. However, here is a general outline of the steps involved in a hospital discharge procedure:

1. Doctor’s orders

The patient’s physician will order the discharge and specify any necessary follow-up care. To ensure continuity of care to the patient after discharge.

2. Medication review

A pharmacist and nursing staff will review the patient’s medications to ensure that the patient has the necessary prescriptions and understands how to take them.

3. Discharge instructions

The patient will receive instructions on how to care for themselves at home, including any dietary restrictions, physical activity guidelines, and instructions for wound care.

4. Medical equipment

If the patient requires any medical equipment at home, such as a wheelchair, oxygen tank, or medical alert device, arrangements will be made to have it delivered or picked up.

5. Follow-up appointments

The patient will be scheduled for any necessary follow-up appointments with their primary care physician, specialist, or other healthcare providers.

6. Billing and Insurance

Any outstanding bills will be settled, and the patient will be provided with a summary of charges for their hospital stay. The hospital will also provide any necessary paperwork for insurance claims.

7. Transportation

If the patient requires transportation home, the hospital may arrange for a taxi, ambulance, or other transport services.

8. Final discharge paperwork

The patient will receive the final discharge paperwork and be released from the hospital.

To know more about Types of Hospital Discharge Click on the below blue Link

Nursing Procedure of Discharge

  1. No patient should be discharged without a doctor’s written orders.
  2. Hand over the case sheet and other records to the medical record department.
  3. See that the patient personnel hygiene is maintained and change the dress into their own clothing.
  4. Inform the hospital authorities about the discharge.
  5. Hand over the discharge slip to the patient or relatives.
  6. Leaving Against Medical Advice: A client can decide to leave the hospital against medical advice. For this client must sign a form that releases the physician and the healthcare institution from any legal responsibility for his/her health status. The client is informed of any possible risks before signing the form.

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Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice.

Name -Parika Parika holds a Master's in Nursing and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Nursing. In addition to her clinical experience, Parika has also served as a nursing instructor for the past 10 years, she enjoys sharing her knowledge and passion for the nursing profession.


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