Surgical instruments used in Gynecological and obstetrics
In this artical we discuss various types of Surgical instruments used in Gynecological and obstetrics
Artery Forceps – Surgical instruments

- Artery Forceps used as a used during haemorrhage for clamping bleeding vessels .
- Artery Forceps also be used to grab and maneuver delicate tissues.
- It is also used Opening and closing peritoneum at the time of operation for grasping tissue .
- Artery Forceps is also used to hold stay sutures.
- Curved Artery Forceps clamp and restrict arteries or tissue, to control the flow of blood
Allis Tissue Forceps – Surgical instruments
Allis Tissue Forceps is a surgical instrument also called as Allis clamp.

- The Allis tissue Forcep is with sharp teeth and used to hold heavy tissue.
- Allis Tissue Forceps is also used to hold or grasp fascia and other soft tissues like as breast or bowel tissue.
- Allis tissue Forcep are mainly used in tissue whose to be removed.
- This Allis Tissue Forceps instrument is used for grasping or removing tough structures such as Rectus sheath in operations like tubectomy,abdominal hysterectomy.
Ayre’s Spatula – Surgical instruments

- Ayre’s Spatula Is Used for taking Pap Smear sample for screening of the carcinoma cervix.
- The long end is inserted into the cervical canal and rotated. exfoliated cells obtained are smeared on the glass slide and fixed in the Koplicks jar. the Koplicks jar contains equal amount off ether and alcohol .
- other side broad end is used for the knowing hormonal status obtaining cells from lateral vagina .
- it use only Single time.
Babcock’s Forceps – Surgical instruments

- Babcock Forceps are used to grasp delicate tissue.
- Babcock Forceps are used with intestinal and laparotomy procedures.
- Babcock Forceps are useful for grasping tube-shaped structures,like as fallopian tube in tubectomy in modified Pomeroy’s operation
- tip is atraumatic, there are no sharp tooth.
Fallopian Ring Applicator for Tubal Ligation -Surgical instruments

Fallopian Ring Applicator for Tubal Ligation is used for applying silastic bands to fallopian tubes in laparoscopic tubal ligation.
• The tube is used identified and grasped in ampullary region by opening prongs.
• The prongs are pulled inside sheath and then the loaded ring is pushed over tube.
• After this the prongs are released. part of tube above the band looks like blanched.
just prior to grasping the tube bands are loaded
Cusco’s Speculum ( Duck’s Speculum) – Surgical instruments

- Cusco’s Speculum ( Duck’s Speculum) is a reusable type of the speculum.
- Cusco’s Speculum ( Duck’s Speculum) mainly used to view the cervix of the female.
- Cusco’s Speculum ( Duck’s Speculum) Used in OPD examination. it has limited opening then only few procedures like as taking of Pap smear , removal and insertion of Copper
Doyen’s Retractor – Surgical instruments

Doyen’s Retractor is used for retracting bladder during operations like as abdominal hysterectomy , laparotomy, cesarean section deliveries, and procedures for the ectopic pregnancies.
WRIGLEY’S FORCEPS – Surgical instruments

- It used in deliveries which the baby is far along in birth canal. It also used in during a cesarean delivery.
- it have short stems and blades. it can minimize the risk of a uterine rupture.
DAS OR HEGAR’S DILATOR – Surgical instruments

Needle Holder – Surgical instruments

- Needle holder is also called needle driver. Needle holder is a surgical instrument, similar as a hemostat.
- It is used by doctors and surgeons to hold a suturing needle during suturing for closing wounds and other surgical procedures
Surgical instruments used in Gynecological and obstetrics (OBG)
Dissecting Forceps Plain – Surgical instruments

- Dissecting Forceps Plain are used to the users grip in the holding tissues, sutures and needles as an extension.
Dissecting Forceps Toothed – Surgical instruments

- It used to handle tissues and different materials.
- It also use to manipulate needles and other instruments while operating.
Cheatle Forceps – Surgical instruments

- It used to remove sterilized instruments from boilers and formalin cabinets.
- Cheatle Sterilizer Forceps are used to ensure that every item is removed and others remained are not infected. All forceps when not in use are placed in a container of methylated spirits .
Sponge Holding Forceps – Surgical instruments

- Sponge holding forceps or sponge forceps used to hold on to sponges or swabs while conducting medical procedure. Sponge holding forceps are usually in the shape of a scissor.
- Sponge holding forceps are two types curved and straight shape. curved and straight shape Sponge holding forceps is different for each purpose for which they used.
Horrocks Uterine Sound – Surgical instruments

It is used for dilating and probing uterus and as well as the measuring length of cervical canal.
Uterine Flushing Curette – Surgical instruments

- Uterine Flushing Curette is used to scrape endometrial lining of uterus and for therapeutic and diagnostic purpose during endometrial biopsy, dilatation , curettage dilatation and evacuation.
Pelvimetry – Surgical instruments

- pelvimetry used to identify cephalo-pelvic disproportion.
- Pelvimetry used for a digital examination of internal aspect of the bony pelvis. It is used in Spontaneous labour
Deaver Retractor – Surgical instruments

- The Deaver Retractor is used to retract liver in surgical procedures like as cholecystectomy (i e . removal of the gall bladder), vagotomy (vagus nerve resection).
- It also used in cases of repair of the duodenal ulcer perforation.
- the Deaver Retractor is also used in the retracting stomach and duodenum during cholecystectomy
Vokman’s Retractor -Surgical instruments

Vokman’s Retractor is used by doctors to either actively separate edges of a surgical wound and it can hold back underlying organs and tissues, so that opration area may be accessed easily.
Morris Retractor – Surgical instruments

- Morris Retractor is used to retract loin incisions, subcostal wounds and abdominal wall incisions,.
- Morris Retractor can fit a diverse variety of wounds at any depth. Morris Retractor Used ease of working in deeper layers while making and closing the abdominal incisions and wounds.

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