Bishop Score -Components Calculating Significance

Bishop Score: Understanding the Assessment of Labor Progress Components Calculating Significance how to calculate bishop score.

Labor and delivery are major milestones in every woman’s life. During labor, many factors are considered to determine the progress of the delivery. One of the important measures is the Bishop score. In this article, we will dive deep into what a Bishop score is, how it is calculated, and its significance during labor.

What is the Bishop Score?

The Bishop score is a tool used by healthcare providers to evaluate a woman’s readiness for labor induction. It is a numerical score that assesses the likelihood of successful vaginal delivery by evaluating the readiness of the cervix for labor. The Bishop score is named after Dr. Edward Bishop, who developed this method in the 1960s.

Components of the Bishop score

The Bishop score assesses five components of cervical dilation and effacement:

Cervical dilation

Cervical dilation refers to the opening of the cervix. It is measured in centimeters and is an essential component of the Bishop score. The maximum score is three, and a score of zero is given when the cervix is not dilated.

Cervical effacement

Cervical effacement refers to the thinning of the cervix. It is measured in percentages and is also an essential component of the Bishop score. The maximum score is two, and a score of zero is given when the cervix is not effaced.

Cervical consistency

Cervical consistency refers to the softness or hardness of the cervix. The maximum score is one, and a score of zero is given when the cervix is firm.

Cervical position

Cervical position refers to the level of the cervix in the vagina. The maximum score is one, and a score of zero is given when the cervix is not in the correct position.

Fetal station

Fetal station refers to the position of the fetal head in the pelvis. The maximum score is one, and a score of zero is given when the fetal head is not engaged in the pelvis.

How is the Bishop Score Calculated?

The Bishop score is determined by assessing five factors related to the cervix, including dilation, effacement, consistency, position, and fetal station. Each factor is given a score of 0 to 3, with a maximum total score of 13.

Factors that Affect the Bishop Score

  • Dilation: The opening of the cervix, measured in centimeters
  • Effacement: The thinning of the cervix, expressed as a percentage
  • Consistency: The firmness of the cervix, which can range from hard to soft
  • Position: The location of the cervix in the vaginal canal, which can be anterior, posterior, or midline
  • Fetal Station: The position of the baby’s head in relation to the mother’s pelvis, measured in centimeters above or below the ischial spines

Scoring System

  • Dilation: 0 points for closed cervix, 1 point for 1-2 cm dilation, 2 points for 3-4 cm dilation, and 3 points for 5 cm or more dilation.
  • Effacement: 0 points for 0-30%, 1 point for 40-50%, 2 points for 60-70%, and 3 points for 80% or more effacement.
  • Consistency: 0 points for the firm, 1 point for medium, and 2 points for soft.
  • Position: 0 points for the posterior
  • position, 1 point for the midline, and 2 points for the anterior position.
  • Fetal Station: 0 points for -3 cm or higher, 1 point for -2 cm, 2 points for -1 cm or 0 cm, and 3 points for +1 cm or higher.

What is a Favorable Bishop Score?

A favorable Bishop score is a total score of 8 or higher, which indicates that the cervix is ripe and ready for labor induction. A favorable score means that the cervix is at least 3-4 cm dilated, more than 80% effaced, soft, and anteriorly positioned.

What is an Unfavorable Bishop Score?

An unfavorable Bishop score is a total score of less than 8, which indicates that the cervix is not ripe and may require additional preparation before labor induction. An unfavorable score means that the cervix is less than 3-4 cm dilated, less than 80% effaced, firm, and posteriorly positioned.

Bishop Score and the Induction Process

The Bishop score is an essential tool used by healthcare providers to decide whether to proceed with labor induction. In general, a favorable Bishop score means that labor induction is more likely to be successful, while an unfavorable score means that additional preparation may be needed.

Bishop Score and C-Section Delivery

The Bishop score can also be used to predict the likelihood of C-section delivery. In general, a higher Bishop score is associated with a lower risk of C-section delivery, while a lower Bishop score is associated with a higher risk.

How the Bishop Score Affects the Decision to Induce Labor

Healthcare providers may use the Bishop score as part of their decision-making process to determine the timing and method of labor induction. For example, a favorable Bishop score may indicate that a woman is a good candidate for labor induction using methods such as oxytocin or prostaglandins, while an unfavorable score may require additional cervical ripening techniques, such as a cervical balloon or a cervical ripening agent like Misoprostol.

Significance of the Bishop score during labor

The Bishop score helps healthcare providers to assess the progress of labor and determine the best course of action. If the Bishop score is low, it may indicate that the cervix is not ready for delivery, and induction may not be successful. In such cases, healthcare providers may recommend waiting or using other methods to induce labor, such as mechanical or pharmacological methods.

Conversely, a high Bishop score indicates that the cervix is ripe for delivery, and induction is likely to be successful. This information helps healthcare providers to make informed decisions about the timing and method of delivery.


In conclusion, the Bishop score is a crucial tool used by healthcare providers to assess cervical readiness for delivery. It takes into account five components, including cervical dilation, effacement, consistency, position, and fetal station. The score helps healthcare providers to determine the progress of labor and predict the likelihood of successful vaginal delivery. It is an essential part of labor and delivery management, and healthcare providers should use it regularly.


What is the maximum score in the Bishop score system?

The maximum score in the Bishop score system is 13.

What is the significance of the Bishop score during labor?

The Bishop score helps healthcare providers to assess cervical readiness for delivery and determine the best course of action.

What is the significance of the cervix being soft during labor?

A soft cervix indicates that it is more favorable for delivery, and the likelihood of successful vaginal delivery is higher.

Can the Bishop score be used for women with previous cesarean sections?

Yes, the Bishop score can be used for women with previous cesarean sections.

How long does it take to increase the Bishop score naturally?

There is no set timeline for improving the Bishop score naturally, as it varies from woman to woman. However, physical activity, sexual intercourse, and nipple stimulation may help promote cervical dilation and improve the Bishop score over time.

How is the Bishop score used in the decision-making process for labor induction?

The Bishop score is used by healthcare providers to determine whether a woman is a good candidate for labor induction and to choose the timing and method of induction.

Does a high Bishop score guarantee a successful labor induction?

While a high Bishop score is associated with a higher likelihood of successful labor induction, it does not guarantee a successful induction, as there are many other factors that can impact the outcome.

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice.

Name -Parika Parika holds a Master's in Nursing and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Nursing. In addition to her clinical experience, Parika has also served as a nursing instructor for the past 10 years, she enjoys sharing her knowledge and passion for the nursing profession.

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