stages sign and symptoms of Labour
stages sign and symptoms of Labour : we discuss here stage,sign and symptoms of Labour of labour
- Labour is diagnosed by symptoms and signs.
- Investigations are not essential as it is a clinical diagnosis.
Labour symptoms
The most reliable symptom of labour is colicky lower abdominal pain which increases in
frequency, intensity and duration with the passage of time and not relieved by common
analgesics though a symptom of labour may not be always present.
Labour signs
Presence of painful uterine contractions with progressive effacement and dilatation of the cervix. (Braxton Hick’s contractions are painless.)
Labour investigation
Are not required for diagnosis. The only investigation is the presence of regular uterine
contractions in the cardiotocograph.
Labour Stages
stages sign and symptoms of Labour : we discuss here stage of labour. three stage are following.
First stage of Labour

First stage is from 0 to 10 cm dilatation of the cervix. The first stage of labour is divided in two phases.
Latent phase
Latent phase is from O to 4 cm dilatation of the cervix. It is a slow phase and the duration is 6—8 hours.
Active phase
Active phase is from 4 cm till full dilatation of the cervix. During the active phase the
cervix dilates at rate of 1 cm / hour.
Second stage of Labour

Second stage is from full dilatation of the cervix to the delivery of the baby.
By definition the second stage is reached when the cervix is fully dilated. There is no
mention regarding the descent of the head. However if labour is progressing normally,
the head should be fully engaged when the second stage is reached. (No part of the head should be palpable per abdomen.)
The second stage is also divided into two phases
Passive phase
Passive phase: The foetal head will descend during this phase. the Mother must be discouraged from bearing down during descent phase of labour.
Active phase
Active phase: After the descent phase when the foetal head reaches the pelvic floor mother feels the urge to bear down. She should be encouraged to bear down with contractions.
Third stage of Labour

Third stage of Labour is from delivery of the baby to the delivery of the placenta and membranes. It begins after the baby is born and ends when the placenta separates from wall of uterus and is passed through vagina. This stage is also called delivery of the “afterbirth” and is shortest stage of the labor