List of Hospital Departments & Units A-Z

Hospitals, like intricate cities, comprise diverse Hospital Departments catering to a myriad of healthcare needs. In this different Departments and units in a hospital guide, we’ll explore the expansive realm of hospital Departments and units, from acute care to specialized branches, shedding light on the critical roles they play in the healthcare ecosystem.

Table of Contents

1. Acute Care Hospital Departments

1.1 Accident & Emergency (A&E)

Acting as the healthcare frontline, A&E provides immediate attention to injuries and illnesses demanding urgent care.

1.2 Burn Unit

Specialized in treating burn patients, offering advanced care and support for a swift recovery.

1.3 Critical Care Medicine

This department provides intensive life support for patients with severe or life-threatening conditions, ensuring the highest level of care.

1.4 Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Responding to medical emergencies, EMS swiftly transports patients to the hospital, playing a crucial role in pre-hospital care.

1.5 Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Dedicated to intensive monitoring and treatment, the ICU caters to patients with critical illnesses and injuries.

1.6 Trauma Center

Specializing in comprehensive care for patients with severe injuries, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to recovery.

2. Administrative Hospital Departments

2.1 Admissions

This department processes patient admissions, ensuring a smooth entry into the healthcare system.

2.2 Billing and Coding

Handling the financial aspects of patient care, ensuring transparency and efficiency in billing processes.

2.3 Discharge Planning

Assisting patients in transitioning from the hospital to home or another care setting, facilitating a smooth recovery process.

2.4 Medical Records

Responsible for maintaining and managing patient medical records with precision and confidentiality.

2.5 Patient Relations

Addressing patient concerns and actively resolving problems, fostering a positive healthcare experience.

2.6 Risk Management

Identifying and mitigating potential risks to patients and staff, ensuring a safe healthcare environment.

3. Allied Health Hospital Departments

3.1 Audiology

Evaluate and treat hearing and balance disorders, contributing to overall patient well-being.

3.2 Dietetics

Provides nutritional counseling and support to patients, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet in recovery.

3.3 Occupational Therapy

Assists patients in regaining daily living skills after an injury or illness, promoting independence.

3.4 Physical Therapy

Helps patients improve their movement and function, playing a crucial role in rehabilitation.

3.5 Respiratory Therapy

Offers care and treatment for patients with respiratory problems, ensuring optimal respiratory health.

3.6 Speech-Language Pathology

Evaluates and treats speech, language, and swallowing disorders, promoting effective communication and nutrition.

4. Behavioral Health Hospital Departments

4.1 Addiction Medicine

Specializing in treating patients with substance abuse disorders, offering comprehensive recovery support.

4.2 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Dedicated to providing mental health care tailored to the unique needs of children and adolescents, fostering mental well-being.

4.3 Geriatric Psychiatry

Offering mental health care for older adults, addressing the specific challenges faced in later stages of life.

4.4 Mental Health Services

A comprehensive department offering a range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.

4.5 Substance Abuse Treatment

Providing treatment and support for individuals struggling with substance abuse, promoting recovery and rehabilitation.

5. Biomedical Services Hospital Departments

5.1 Blood Bank

Collects, stores, and distributes blood and blood products, playing a vital role in emergency and elective procedures.

5.2 Laboratory Medicine

Performs tests on blood, tissue, and other body fluids to diagnose and monitor diseases, contributing to accurate medical decisions.

5.3 Pathology

Examines tissues and organs to diagnose diseases accurately, guiding treatment plans.

5.4 Transfusion Medicine

Provides safe and effective blood transfusions to patients, ensuring compatibility and safety.

6. Cardiology Hospital Departments

6.1 Electrophysiology

Studies the electrical activity of the heart, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac conditions.

6.2 Interventional Cardiology

Utilizing minimally invasive procedures to treat heart disease, ensuring precision and quicker recovery.

6.3 Pediatric Cardiology

Dedicated to providing specialized care for infants, children, and adolescents with heart disease.

6.4 Thoracic Surgery

Performing surgery on the heart, lungs, and other chest organs, addressing complex cardiac conditions.

7. Dermatology Departments

7.1 Cosmetic Dermatology

Treats skin conditions for cosmetic purposes, enhancing patients’ confidence and well-being.

7.2 Dermatologic Surgery

Specialized in performing surgery to remove skin lesions and tumors, ensuring optimal skin health.

7.3 Mohs Micrographic Surgery

A specialized technique for removing skin cancer, combining precision and minimal scarring.

7.4 Pediatric Dermatology

Dedicated to providing care for infants, children, and adolescents with skin diseases, addressing unique dermatological challenges.

8. Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Hospital Departments

8.1 Head and Neck Surgery

Specializing in treating surgical conditions of the head and neck, ensuring comprehensive care.

8.2 Laryngology

Focusing on disorders of the larynx (voice box), offering specialized care for voice-related issues.

8.3 Otology

Specializing in disorders of the ear, addressing hearing and balance issues comprehensively.

8.4 Pediatric Otolaryngology

Providing specialized care for infants, children, and adolescents with ear, nose, and throat disorders, ensuring child-friendly services.

9. Family Medicine Hospital Departments

9.1 Geriatric Medicine

Dedicated to providing care for older adults, addressing age-specific health concerns.

9.2 Internal Medicine

Focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases in adults, ensuring holistic healthcare.

9.3 Pediatrics

Providing care for infants, children, and adolescents, catering to the unique needs of the younger population.

9.4 Sports Medicine

Specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sports-related injuries, ensuring athletes receive optimal care.

10. Gastroenterology Hospital Departments

10.1 Endoscopy

Utilizing specialized instruments to examine the digestive tract, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal conditions.

10.2 Hepatology

Specializing in diseases of the liver, bile ducts, and pancreas, ensuring comprehensive care for hepatic conditions.

10.3 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Treating conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, ensuring effective management and support.

10.4 Pancreaticobiliary Disease

Specializing in treating conditions of the pancreas and bile ducts, ensuring precise diagnosis and treatment.

11. Hematology-Oncology Hospital Departments

11.1 Bone Marrow Transplant

Replacing diseased bone marrow with healthy cells offers a chance for recovery in hematological conditions.

11.2 Medical Oncology

Treating cancer with medications, ensuring personalized and effective cancer care.

11.3 Radiation Oncology

Using radiation to treat cancer, contributes to comprehensive cancer treatment plans.

11.4 Surgical Oncology

Utilizing surgery to treat cancer, ensuring a multi-disciplinary approach to cancer care.

12. Imaging Hospital Departments

12.1 Interventional Radiology

Utilizing imaging techniques to guide minimally invasive procedures, ensuring precision and safety.

12.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Creating detailed images of the body’s internal structures using magnetic fields, aiding in accurate diagnosis.

12.3 Nuclear Medicine

Using radioactive tracers to diagnose and treat diseases, contributes to advanced medical imaging.

12.4 Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

A specialized imaging technique providing insights into metabolic activity, aiding in disease diagnosis and monitoring.

12.5 X-ray

A fundamental imaging modality, X-ray, aids in diagnosing a variety of conditions, from fractures to lung infections.

13. Nephrology Hospital Departments

13.1 Dialysis

Providing life-sustaining treatment for individuals with kidney failure, ensuring optimal renal function.

13.2 Kidney Transplantation

A surgical procedure replacing diseased kidneys with healthy ones, offering a renewed lease on life.

14. Neurology Hospital Departments

14.1 Epilepsy

Dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, ensuring optimal management of seizure disorders.

14.2 Movement Disorders

Specializing in conditions affecting movement, providing expert care for disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

14.3 Neurovascular Surgery

Focused on surgical interventions for diseases affecting the blood vessels of the nervous system.

14.4 Stroke

A specialized unit addressing acute cerebrovascular events, ensuring rapid response and comprehensive care.

15. Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Departments

15.1 Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery

Specializing in pelvic floor conditions, providing expert care for issues like incontinence and prolapse.

15.2 Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Focused on high-risk pregnancies, ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby.

15.3 Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Evaluating and treating conditions related to fertility, offering support for couples trying to conceive.

16. Pain Management Hospital Departments

16.1 Interventional Pain Management

Utilizing minimally invasive procedures to manage chronic and acute pain, offering relief for patients.

16.2 Palliative Care

Providing supportive care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, emphasizing quality of life.

17. Rehabilitation Departments

17.1 Cardiac Rehabilitation

Assisting patients in recovering from heart disease, ensuring a comprehensive approach to cardiovascular health.

17.2 Neurological Rehabilitation

Focused on helping patients recover from neurological disorders, offering tailored rehabilitation programs.

17.3 Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Assisting patients in recovering from musculoskeletal injuries, ensuring optimal mobility and function.

17.4 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Providing comprehensive rehabilitation services for patients with various conditions, emphasizing functional improvement.

17.5 Speech-Language Pathology

Assisting patients in regaining speech and swallowing skills after an injury or illness, promoting effective communication.

18. Surgery Departments

18.1 Breast Surgery

Specializing in the surgical treatment of breast conditions, including cancer.

18.2 Colorectal Surgery

Treating diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus through surgical interventions.

18.3 Neurosurgery

Addressing diseases and disorders of the nervous system through advanced surgical techniques.

18.4 Ophthalmic Surgery

Treating diseases and disorders of the eye, ensuring optimal vision and eye health.

18.5 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Specializing in diseases and disorders of the mouth, jaws, and face, offering surgical solutions.

18.6 Orthopedic Surgery

Treating diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system through surgical interventions.

18.7 Pediatric Surgery

Providing surgical care for infants, children, and adolescents, ensuring specialized pediatric services.

18.8 Plastic Surgery

Restoring function and appearance after injury or illness through various surgical procedures.

18.9 Urologic Surgery

Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and male reproductive system.

18.10 Vascular Surgery

Addressing diseases and disorders of the blood vessels through various surgical interventions.

19. Transplantation Hospital Departments

19.1 Heart Transplant

Replacing a diseased heart with a healthy one offers a life-saving procedure.

19.2 Kidney Transplant

Replacing diseased kidneys with healthy ones ensures optimal renal function.

19.3 Liver Transplant

Replacing a diseased liver with a healthy one offers a chance for a renewed life.

19.4 Lung Transplant

Replacing diseased lungs with healthy ones ensures optimal respiratory function.

20. Urology Hospital Departments

20.1 Male Infertility

Evaluating and treating conditions related to male fertility, offering solutions for infertility.

20.2 Pediatric Urology

Providing specialized care for infants, children, and adolescents with urologic conditions.

20.3 Reconstructive Urology

Treating structural abnormalities of the urinary tract through surgical interventions.

20.4 Stone Disease

Treating conditions related to kidney stones and other urinary stones, ensuring effective management.

21. Vascular Surgery Departments

21.1 Endovascular Surgery

Utilizing minimally invasive techniques to treat vascular conditions, ensuring precision and quicker recovery.

21.2 Open Vascular Surgery

Using traditional surgical techniques to treat vascular conditions, ensuring comprehensive care.

22. Women’s Health Departments

22.1 Breast Cancer Center

Offering specialized care for women with breast cancer, ensuring comprehensive breast health services.

22.2 Gynecological Oncology

Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic cancers, offering personalized care.

22.3 Menopause Management

Providing support and treatment for women experiencing menopause, ensuring a smooth transition.

22.4 Osteoporosis Center

Offering specialized care for women with osteoporosis, focusing on bone health.

23. Additional Hospital Departments

23.1 Chaplaincy

Providing spiritual support to patients, families, and staff, fostering emotional and spiritual well-being.

23.2 Environmental Services

Maintaining a clean and safe hospital environment, ensuring optimal hygiene standards.

23.3 Food and Nutrition Services

Providing meals and nutritional counseling to patients, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet.

23.4 Information Technology

Maintaining the hospital’s computer systems and networks, ensuring seamless operations.

23.5 Security

Ensuring the safety and security of patients, staff, and visitors, creating a secure healthcare environment.

23.6 Volunteer Services

Providing opportunities for volunteers to contribute to the hospital, fostering community engagement.

list of departments in a hospitalPDF Download


Understanding the vast array of departments and units within a hospital can feel daunting. This department and unit in healthcare A-Z guide has hopefully provided a clearer picture of the complex healthcare landscape, demystifying the roles and functions of each department. Armed with this knowledge, you can navigate your healthcare journey with greater confidence, asking informed questions, and actively participating in your well-being.

How Many Departments are in the hospital

The exact number of departments in a hospital can indeed vary based on several factors. However, as a general estimate, a large hospital may have between 40 and 60 departments. The actual number can depend on factors such as the hospital’s size, complexity, location, healthcare system, and focus on specific specialties.
It’s important to note that hospitals are complex organizations that encompass a wide range of medical, administrative, and support services. Departments are typically organized based on medical specialties, administrative functions, and ancillary services.

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice.

Name -Parika Parika holds a Master's in Nursing and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Nursing. In addition to her clinical experience, Parika has also served as a nursing instructor for the past 10 years, she enjoys sharing her knowledge and passion for the nursing profession.

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