Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First – Year Usually textbooks are determined by the Professors who teach the various courses which the University should advise you on. It would be difficult to say if there truly is a “Best Book” – best to wait until you get the Syllabus for each course you are taking. This would be a better question once you determine which area of specialty you would like to focus on.

According to INC syllabus in 1st year there are 9 subjects – Anatomy , Physiology, Biochemistry , Nutrition , Psychology, Microbiology, Foundation of Nursing , English and Computer English and Computer are just supplementary subjects. So don’t take stress for them.

Anatomy and Physiology these two are in one paper. Biochemistry and Nutrition these two are in one single paper. But you have to study them separately. Books we recommend to you for better study.

Table of Contents

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Human Anatomy

B D Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy 4

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Human Anatomy

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year – Human AnatomyB D Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy 4 Volume thats a medical book.B D Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy 4 Volume is termed as the Bible of Anatomy. Not an exaggeration at all, it is one of the most commonly used Anatomy books for all stages and sub-stages for medical students.

This Anatomy book is not just theoretical but practical as well which makes anatomy digest able. The new volumes include text and images side by side proving it to be chiefly clinical.

  • It includes lots of tables for muscles
  • It is incorporated with methods for testing
  • It’s colorful, including improved color illustrations making the other right half of the brain stimulated.
Talking about the uniqueness this book holds is that a lot of Anatomy books are available in the market and as well as pdf online but most of them are more likely to be journals and are somewhat difficult to understand. But this book explains all the concepts in a very systematic manner making it completely user-friendly and user-oriented. Since the book is authorized by one of the most renowned authors of India, the book is completely unique and effective in explaining human anatomy.

There are Four Volumes of BD Chaurasia of Anatomy and these are follows:

  1. Upper Limb and Thorax
  2. Lower Limb, Abdomen, and Pelvis
  3. Head, & Neck
  4. Brain & eyeball

Buy it Now :  B D Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy 4

Most of the students also follow these books related Human Anatomy

You can check and buy it below

  1. Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, International Edition

2. Anatomy for B.Sc. Nursing by Renu Chouhan

3. Textbook Of Anatomy For Bsc Nursing Students (According To Inc Syllabus) by P.R. Ashalatha

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Physiology

Sembulingam Essentials Of Medical Physiology

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year – PhysiologyPhysiology is the scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system. The Essentials Of Medical Physiology: with Free Review of Medical Physiology strives to keep the core subject matter in physiology up-to-date. Many tables and boxes have been added for more clarity and detail. The book has been updated with recent findings in physiology and more pathophysiological facts in accordance with modern curriculum of medical education.

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year

This book is written by K Sembulingam and Prema Sembulingam. And that’s why this book is famous for sembulingam physiology. This book is the standard book of physiology and is the best competitor of Guyton and hall physiology. Many students would prefer this book over the others.

This book is the most searched book on the internet and most bought physiology book of physiology on Amazon and other sites.

Not only this physiology book, But Essentials of Medical series is also itself well know series of other subjects as well and are widely used

Features of Sembulingam Essentials Of Medical Physiology

• Fully updated with pathophysiological facts in accordance with the modern curriculum of medical education.

• Enriched with many new boxes containing important facts, particularly in Applied Physiology.

• Includes more tables and flowcharts formatted in new attractive style.

• Well-illustrated chapters with beautiful descriptive color diagrams.

• Chapter outline given at the beginning of each chapter prepares the mind of the reader what to expect from that chapter and how to approach the chapter for better understanding.

• Probable questions (Essay Questions, Short Notes Questions, and Very Short Answers Questions) given at the end of each section for self assessment.

• A real state-of-the-art book with approximately 600 color diagrams.

• A textbook useful not only for the medical students but also for the dental, paramedical and allied health sciences students.

• Helps the students for a quick revision of entire subject in short duration.

• Covers all aspects of the subject in accordance to latest curriculum of medical education.

• Contains more than 2,800 questions and answers

Buy it Now :  Sembulingam Essentials Of Medical Physiology

Most of the students also follow these books related Physiology

You can check and buy it below

1.Essentials of Medical Physiology by A.B.S. Mahapatra

2.Textbook of Medical Physiology, 3rd edition by H H Sudhakar D Venkatesh

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Foundation of Nursing

Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year – Foundation of NursingFundamentals of Nursing by Potter and Perry is a widely appreciated textbook on nursing foundations/fundamentals. Its comprehensive coverage provides fundamental nursing concepts, skills and techniques of nursing practice and a firm foundation for more advanced areas of study. This Second South Asia edition of Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing not only provides the well-established, authentic content of international standards but also caters to the specific curriculum requirements of nursing students of the region.

SALIENT FEATURES – Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing

  • Fully compliant to the INC curriculum
  • Easy-to-read, interesting and involving disposition, which leads the you through various facets of nursing foundations/ fundamentals
  • Improved layout, design and presentation
  • A number of photographs replaced with the Indian ones to provide regional feel to the content
  • Long Answer and Short Answer questions added at the end of every chapter

Buy it Now :  Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing

Most of the students also follow these books related Foundation of Nursing

You can check and buy it below

1.Principles & Practice Of Nursing Vol 1 Nursing Arts Procedures by Sr nancy

2.Fundamentals Of Nursing For B.SC Nursing by Celestina Francis, Kritika Misra

3.Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing

Read Also : Best Books for NCLEX-RN Examination Available in India 2021-2022

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Nutrition

A Comprehensive Textbook Of Nutrition & Therapeutic Diets 

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year
Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year – Nutrition
A Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets has a flavor of its own, both in scope and content distinctly different from the existing textbooks in the market. The major thrust has been to make the book more student-friendly catering to the recommendations of Indian Nursing Council for undergraduate teaching in Nutrition.
This book is not only written for the undergraduate students of nutrition, but is expected to be valuable for all those who need basic training and introductory course in nutrition and dietetics. It is meant to illustrate mainly the general principles of nutrition and diet therapy as well as the practical aspects involved in nutrition; planning and management. Health conscious people with or without a background of science can gain an insight into this interesting subject related to our daily life.
Topics have been explained according to the syllabus avoiding unnecessary details as per the requirements and structure of the question paper. Diagrammatic illustrations have been fully incorporated to make the concept clear in a more refined way. All chapters of this second edition are self-contained and serves a dual teaching function to highlight the basic concepts and to relate them to nutritional problems. Each chapter includes introduction, definitions, comprehensive subject matter flowcharts, comprehensive nurses role in planning diet in various diseases and conclusions.
Major points have been highlighted and boxed for a quick review or core concepts. Moreover, there are slew of changes that take place in the field of dietetics and nutrition owing to continuous research and innovations in the field of nutrition as well as emerging diseases related to dietary deficiencies. Therefore, the required amendments are made in the content of the book accordingly.
Key Feature –A Comprehensive Textbook Of Nutrition & Therapeutic Diets 

• based on the latest INC recommended syllabus.

• Content is presented with clarity and full of explanation for each topic.

• Illustrates the general principles of nutrition and diet therapy as well as the practical aspects involved in nutrition, planning and management.

• Each chapter includes introduction, definitions, flowcharts, nurse role in planning diet in various diseases and conclusion.

• Major points have been highlighted and boxed for a quick review or core concepts.

• Food value and daily requirement tables are added and revised as per current recommendations.

• Non-nursing person can also make use of this book.

• Revised and updated in accordance to the newer Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) guidelines as well as the National Health Programs and Policies implemented by the government.

• Diagrammatic illustrations have been fully incorporated to make the concept clear in a more refined way.

Buy it Now :  A Comprehensive Textbook Of Nutrition & Therapeutic Diets 

Most of the students also follow these books related Nutrition

You can check and buy it below

1.Nutrition and Dietetics by Shubhangini A Joshi

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Biochemistry 

Biochemistry 5th Edition by Satyanarayana

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year – Biochemistry –This Biochemistry 5th Edition by Satyanarayana has merges a classical organization and presentation of interesting information in modern biochemistry. In to days world students needs contemporary insight accessible to the technology.This text emphasize the experimental roots of biochemistry which include the latest information, experimental techniques and  perspectives.

The Biochemistry 5th Edition by Satyanarayana is a conventional textbook which greatly exceeds the text and media resources provide to students in a vast world continuously. There is a start with, introduce nucleic acid structure then emphasize the energy relationships in biochemistry, growth of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology.

Biochemistry is that branched of medical science which deal with the chemical processes within or related to living system. Human Biochemistry deal with the chemical process in  the human being.  It is one of the basic subject of medical science. Because without study biochemistry, you can understand pharmacology and histo-pathology. Satyanarayana Biochemistry is very simple and you can understand it easily.

Key Features –Biochemistry 5th Edition by Satyanarayana

• Is the first textbook on Biochemistry in English with multi-color illustrations by an author from Asia. The use of multicolor format is for a clear understanding of the complicated structures and biochemical reactions.
• Is written in a lucid style with the subject being presented as an engaging story growing from elementary information to the most recent advances, and with theoretical discussions being supplemented with illustrations, tables, biomedical concepts, clinical correlates and case studies for easy understanding of the subject.
• Has each chapter beginning with a four-line verse followed by the text with clinical correlates, a summary, and self-assessment exercises. The lively illustrations and text with appropriate headings and sub-headings in bold typeface facilitate reading path clarity and quick recall. All this will the students to master the subject and face the examination with confidence.
• Provides the most recent and essential information on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and current topics such as Diabetes, Cancer, Free Radicals and Antioxidants, Prostaglandins, etc.
• Describes a wide variety of case studies (77) with biomedical correlations. The case studies are listed at the end of relevant chapters for immediate reference, quick review and better understanding of Biochemistry.
• Contains the basics (Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry, Tools of Biochemistry, Immunology, and Genetics) for beginners to learn easily Biochemistry, origins of biochemical words, confusables in Biochemistry, principles of Practical Biochemistry, and Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory.

Buy it Now :  Biochemistry 5th Edition by Satyanarayana

Most of the students also follow these books related Nutrition

You can check and buy it below

  1. Textbook Of Biochemistry For Medical Students by DM. Vasudevan
  2. Essentials Of Biochemistry For Bsc Nursing Students by Harbans Lal, Pajesh Pandey

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Psychology

Psychology For Nurses by Sreevani

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year – PsychologyPsychology For Nurses by Sreevani which broadly covers fundamental psychological concepts for the undergraduate and graduate nurses with special focus on nursing implications making it unique. Incorporates units on Sensation and Perception, Learning, Memory, Thinking, Intelligence, Motivation, Emotions, Attitudes, Personality, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Guidance and Counseling and Psychological Assessment in depth.

The matter has been produced in a simple language with tables, figures and schematic diagrams so as to directly support learning, easy understanding and retention of the concept. In a unique effort to bridge the gap between theory and practice, special care has been exercised to incorporate Nursing Implications at all appropriate places, providing ample opportunity for the intelligent nurse to conceptualize her role.

Key Features -Psychology For Nurses by Sreevani

• This book will definitely help every BSc (Nursing) student to understand the basic psychology and its application in nursing care

• Compiled strictly as per the latest INC syllabus

• Comprehensively covers all basic principles of psychology

• Presented in simple language and lucid style

• Well-illustrated with tables, figures and schematic diagrams, making it reader-friendly

• Nursing implications have been included where necessary with a view to present a better understanding of the subject and the nurses’ role in particular

• Includes chapterwise long-essay, short-essay, short answer and multiple-choice questions culled out from the previous examinations

• A must-own text for professionals and students pursuing higher education

• A life-long companion for basic nursing students

Buy it Now :  Psychology For Nurses by Sreevani

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Microbiology

Textbook of Microbiology by C.P. Baveja

Best Books for a BSc Nursing First Year

Best Book for a BSc Nursing First Year – Microbiology — Medical Microbiology is rapidly expanding with tremendous knowledge and exciting discoveries at molecular level. Relevant information of new discoveries has been included in Textbook of Microbiology.

Each chapter has been carefully, updated and revised extensively in relation to classification, taxonomy, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and other aspects of various microorganisms. Beside these, a new chapter on ‘Emerging and Reemerging Infections’ has been added to update the knowledge. Emerging zoonotic diseases caused by Nipah and Hendra viruses have been described to understand the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and preventive measures of these diseases.

A new and innovative chapter ‘Essentials of Microbiology at Glance’ has been included to revise various aspects of all important microorganisms in no time. Constructive suggestions from students and teachers were also taken into consideration while revising the book.

Buy it Now :  Textbook of Microbiology by C.P. Baveja

Books I used for 1st year Bsc Nursing :

  • Anatomy : BD Chaurasia All volumes
  • Physiology : Essentials of medical physiology – Sembulingam
  • Psychology : R. Sreevani Psychology for nurses
  • Microbiology : Anathanarayan and paniker’s textbook of microbiology
  • Nursing Foundation : Kozier and erbs, Potter and perry, Nancy, etc
  • Biochemistry : U. Satyanarayan Essential of biochemistry
  • Nutrition : Shubhangini Joshi Nutrition and Dietetics

Apart from this I have referred others books because all the contents from syllabus is not given in a particular book in detail. Another suggestion is MBBS books are not necessary to pass nursing exams… Thank u

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice.

Name -Parika Parika holds a Master's in Nursing and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Nursing. In addition to her clinical experience, Parika has also served as a nursing instructor for the past 10 years, she enjoys sharing her knowledge and passion for the nursing profession.

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